Meraglim Blog

The Importance of Big Data Analysis for Risk Management

As technology evolves and becomes a more integral part of financial services, the amount of data available is growing significantly, and this has already begun to benefit the niche companies that have gotten on board. There are now many different opportunities for using big data in a variety of areas, particularly in the area of

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Sci Fi No More: The Reality of Quantum Computing

Despite the rapid evolution of technology over the last few decades, you may be surprised to learn that the computers we use today are not so different from the first computer built back in 1941. Your computer, while much smaller and faster than its 30-ton predecessors, performs fundamentally the same task: changing and interpreting binary

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The Fourth Dimension: The Evolution of 4D Printing

By now, you have likely been wowed by the incredible technology of 3D printing. Currently, 3D printing is one of the most popular areas for technology research, as the industrial applications are abundant. Not only that, 3D printers have saturated the market, and are becoming increasingly more affordable and available to the public; you may

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Autonomous Vehicles: The New Normal in the Near Future

There is a lot of buzz about driverless cars right now as automotive and technology companies have begun to roll out these autonomous vehicles. If you have been following the developments in self-driving cars, you are likely familiar with all the benefits that are touted by its advocates: fewer accidents, less congestion and pollution, improved

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The Past, Present, and Jaw-Dropping Potential Future of Virtual Reality

Every life experience, from our birth to our death, can be reduced down to electrical stimulation of our brains from sensory organs providing us with information about the world around us. “Reality” is our interpretation of these electrical signals, which means that our brains are essentially our own reality. Whatever you feel, hear, see, taste,

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The Fragility of China’s Economy

In the current global landscape, China teeters on the edge of financial collapse.1 Between current foreign military pressures and their domestic economic insecurity, they remain in a precarious position, set to be crushed by these two opposing forces. Currently, foreign military issues can be traced to their expansion into the South China Sea. South China

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The World-Changing Impact of Blockchain Technology

In the last few years, you may have heard some buzz about blockchain technology. In a recent report from the World Economic Forum, it was estimated that by 2025, 10 percent of the GDP will be stored using blockchains or within related technology.1 With this in mind, it is imperative to understand this technology so

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How to Invest in Gold

Gold is the categorical dollar hedge investment. To counter the falling dollar, the best course of action is to invest in gold, whether you invest directly in the metal itself, purchase gold mining stock, or choose mutual funds. As the dollar falls, gold rises. The American blue chip industry cannot compete in the global economy

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What We Can Learn from Market Bubble Bursts

Just like the bubbles children blow on playgrounds, economic bubbles all eventually burst. However, people often have a short memory when it comes to these bubbles because it is difficult to see a bubble for what it is in real time. When we look back on price charts later, it is easy to identify bubbles,

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